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Dragon-Dino Game

akshaysoni10's github profile

A dragon-dino game in which a dino is jump over a dragon and a scoreboard at the top is automatically increases.

Room Revamp

ujjawaltyagii's github profile

A Virtual Interior Designer website where users can upload a photo of their room and customize it with different furniture and decor items.


nayanrdeveloper's github profile

DeDoctor are web3 based Doctor Consulation Application where user can create Appointment and Call with Doctor and charge cut in crypto Balance


Nishitbaria's github profile

Contentify is a versatile content creation, social media management, and educational resources platform. It provides users with a comprehensive set of tools to excel in content creation, streamline social media management, and access valuable educational resources.

Netflix Landing Page Clone

kartikjoshi267's github profile

This is a Netflix Landing Page Clone

Score Keeper

shagunZ's github profile

Built using reactjs, this app provides a user-friendly interface and real-time score updates. The app dynamically updates the scores in real-time, providing an interactive and engaging experience. The app incorporates a score limit feature and displays the winner when the score limit is reached.

AR Watches

TusharMinche's github profile

The AR Watches Android app is designed to showcase augmented reality technology by allowing users to virtually try on watches using their smartphone's camera.

NFT Marketplace

Judge-Paul's github profile

Introducing NFT Marketplace, your go-to destination for exploring the exciting world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Our platform offers a seamless browsing experience where users can discover a diverse range of NFT collections and explore the current token prices.

GitHub Users API

Hardikaz's github profile

This project is made by using GitHub Users API and simple html, css, javascript

Reliance Digital Clone

Ajay84sia's github profile

Buy Digital is a clone of an e-commerce website Reliance Digital which sells all electronic products at the best possible price.